Is it Race? Or Power?

Albany Mayor Willie Adams and City Commissioner Tommie Postell claim that the recent move by State Representative Ed Rynders toward city/county consolidation is race related according to an Albany Herald report on the front page of Sunday’s paper. Postell is quoted as saying “Consolidation means reducing black voting strength any way you can.” Mayor Adams was a bit more diplomatic. “Consolidation is about a (white) power structure not wanting to give up its power,” Adams said. Continue reading

Now, they want to seize paychecks?

Yeah, this one just seemed to be to much.  Sure, much as been said in the mainstream media about the AIG execs huge bonuses that were allegedly made with taxpayer money.  Let’s skip the fact that they never should have gotten that money in the first place and take a look at a proposed bill that goes beyond even the attempts to seize that money.  HR 1664, also called “The Pay for Performance Act”, this bill oversteps Constitutional bounds in ways that Stalin would have been proud of.
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Property Rights. Fact or Fiction?

Is your property really yours? Well, apparently it’s not. Sure, you paid for it, but is that all it takes for it to be yours? In this nation, and especially in southwest Georgia, it doesn’t seem to be the case at all.

Take, for example, Connections Church. They are trying to move into a new location in the Village Green Shopping Center on Dawson Road in Albany. Shouldn’t be a problem, right? Well, apparently it is. Also located in this same shopping center is Charlie B’s, a well known Albany bar. So, what’s surprising about a church having an issue with a bar? Nothing…except Connections doesn’t have any issues with Charlie B’s.
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