Post Tea Party Commentary

So here we are, post tea parties…for now.  More are coming, of that I have no doubt.  Since that’s the case, I wanted to offer a few of my own personal observations on this amazing event.

First, there’s a lot of people asking “where were you when Bush was pushing for TARP?”  First, I’d like answer that I was in the exact same place.  I had the opportunity to speak at the Albany Tea Party.   Speakers focused on different things, but I focused on bailouts of banks, car companies, and people who bought homes they couldn’t afford.  Obama didn’t cause this crisis, that I’ll agree with 100%.  However, his policies aren’t going to end it either.

A great number of people at the Albany Tea Party made a point of saying that BOTH parties up in Washington were responsible for the mess we’re in.  And no, these weren’t just Libertarians.  These were people from various walks of life and political affiliations.    They were just as sick of the spending as I am, and I’m thrilled to have them as allies.

There’s been a lot of talk about Republicans co-opting the tea parties as a way to try and build back momentum.  Here’s the thing to keep in mind.  Tax protestors are now energized.  We’ve been part of something beyond my imagination just a few months ago. There have been somewhere in the neighborhood of 3,000 tea parties in the United States today.  Never in my life have so many locales coordinated in protest.  My mother, who vividly remembers the civil rights marches and anti-war protests of the 1960’s can’t either.  3,000 different places.

My point is, so what if Republicans tried to co-opt the message.  All over the place, people were focusing on the message of taxation and spending, rather than partisan BS.  Republicans can try and hijack the message, and they’ll fail.  We Libertarians are the largest party in the United States that had nothing at all to do with this mess, and that will come out in time.

As for the allegations of funding for the tea parties from wealthy Repubicans, I’m looking forward to the check for my speaking fee! (this bit blatantly ripped off from another speaker at the Albany tea party).  However, I don’t think I’ll ever see a dime from it, and I’m very OK with that.

Regardless of the backstory, something amazing happened today.  A coordinated protest the likes of which we’ve never seen took place.  People from all walks of life gathered to be heard.  The quesion is, does anyone in Washington even care?

[UPDATED]SWGA Tea Parties in the News!

SWGA Politics now has confirmed reports that at least one local media outlet will be at both the Albany and Leesburg Tea Parties. We will post the reports/articles as they appear, but look for a preview around Noon, with actual stories tonight!

[UPDATE] I’ve now heard that BOTH local TV stations will be out and about at SWGA Tea Party events. Jenna McWilliams from Fox will be at the Leesburg TEA Party, and as I hear more I will let you know. I am told that due to the timing of the events, first coverage on TV will actually begin at 10:30 tonight.

[UPDATE 2] Mike Sabot, the coordinator the the Leesburg Tea Party, now reports that he is being interviewed at 1p by both WALB and WFXL so that they can have something to report in the evening news at 6p.

[Update 3] This just came in from WALB via their WALB News Update email:

There is plenty of other tax news though. There are TEA parties scheduled for Albany and Leesburg, and several other towns in 10 Country. These are folks who say Americans are ‘Taxed Enough Already.’

[Update 4] Jenna’s work phone number is (229) 291-7718. If you are in the area and attending a TEA party, she would LOVE to talk to you. She will also be at the Leesburg TEA party tonight needing comments

DoCo TaxPayer’s Association encourages Tea Party Participation

Today, citizens from Albany and the surrounding area will gather in front of the Albany courthouse to participate in, and join, the “Second American Revolution” to express their indignation over the extortion of taxpayers by federal, state, county and city officials.

Fellow taxpayers, public apathy, acceptance of poor leadership and misguided (if not corrupt) spending of public funds sends a message to governing officials that the “silent majority” (taxpaying citizens) have given up control of our nation, state and local government.

Today’s “Taxpayer Tea Party” is part of a national revolt, and our local Dougherty County Taxpayers Association urges every concerned citizen to be at the courthouse from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to send a message to federal, state and local governments that we are fed up with arrogant officials who feel they are no longer accountable to the taxpayers who elected them and fill their coffers every year with hard-earned dollars. Apathy and tolerance of this abuse is our greatest enemy. If you care, be there.

Richard Thomas
Co-Chairman, Dougherty County Taxpayers Association