Senator Johnny Isakson speaks at 2nd District GOP Presidential Dinner

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April 17, 2009
CONTACT: Mike Sabot

Guest speaker Senator Johnny Isakson at the 2nd GOP District Presidential Dinner to be held tonight, beginning at 6 pm, at Thronateeska Heritage Museum & Wetherbee Planetarium in Albany Ga., will be the recipient of the April 15th Leesburg Tax Day Tea Party proceeds.

More than 1500 tea bags were paid as admission price to the event attended by between 500 and 700 individuals from places as far away as Florida and Oklahoma. Attendance sheets signed by more than 480 attenees will also be presented. Many individuals declined to sign due to fear of Government retrobution.

Senator Isakson will be ask to return the proceeds to congress, with a demand that they begin to listen to the wishes of the people.

Note: Due to Government regulations and fears of WMD, only the Tea tags will be use.

Why “Blue” Laws Have To Go

First, let me start this post by saying I’m not much of a drinker anymore. I used to, like most folks I suspect, get pretty tanked in my younger days, but that was then and this is now. Now, with that said, I believe it’s time to press the cities, counties, and states to repeal all of the so-called “blue” laws and I’m also going to tell you why.

First, as I pointed out here in the case of Connections Church, these laws actually reflect a bias towards certain Christian denominations.  Many others have no prohibition against alcohol.  But, in the case of Georgia and our laws toward liquor sales on Sunday, they ignore denominations that that have a different sabbath, such as Seventh Day Adventists who’s sabbath (IIRC) is from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. Continue reading

Streamlining the Budget

Since City Manager unveiled his new budget yesterday, I thought I’d post a few suggestions on how to streamline that budget so that property taxes won’t have to be increased, and my Libertarian sensibilities won’t be offended any further with all the extras that the city puts out that government has no place involved in. Early today, I made a suggestion about the Flint Riverquarium, or as I call it, The Albatross (TM). The idea of privatization can work in other ways as well. Continue reading

The Good, The Bad, and The City Budget

Albany City Manager Alfred Lott is feeling pretty proud of himself right now. After all, he’s managed to craft a budget that doesn’t require laying off any city employees. He also does a few really good things as far as I’m concerned. He cut funding for the South Georgia Wildcats, fireworks shows, and the city’s office for Small and Disadvantaged Businesses. As I personally believe all private businesses need to be 100% privately funded and managed, I have no problem with any of this. But, as they say in infomercials, there’s more. Continue reading

Albany Tea Party: Poster Making Day

This is from Donna Driskell, the organizer of the Albany Tea Party:

There is limited space so we will only have room for 8 additional people. If there are more people that want to get together to make posters we will need to find an additional location.That will be a wonderful problem to solve!

When: Saturday, April 4, 2009, 2:30
Where: First United Methodist Church
307 Flint Avenue
Albany, GA
We can meet in the parking lot across the street from the Fire Department.

I will have markers and a few posters with me. Please bring one for yourself and if you can a few additional posters.

Donna asks that you please email her if you plan to come.

[UPDATED] Albany Tea Party

Judicial Building
225 Pine Avenue (Downtown Albany, 1 block east of the Flint Riverquarium)

April 15, 2009 5p-7p

Contact SWGA Politics at with any questions

More details will be posted here as we get them.


There will be a poster making party on Saturday, April 4, 2009. All are invited!

CORRECTION to the Poster Making Party post

Local Issues: Fence at Flint River?

According to this story from Fox31, the family of DJ Vinson is trying to have a fence installed along the Flint River, particularly the stretch along Turtle Park in downtown Albany. Mr. Vinson, you may remember, drowned in the Flint River last August while trying to save a young boy that also drowned.

I have several problems with this. First and foremost is that while I truly do feel sorry for the family of Mr. Vinson and wish them all the best in their grieving process, it was Mr. Vinson himself who chose to attempt to rescue this boy. No one forced him into that choice, there was no law saying that he had to jump in the river and attempt to save a stranger who was drowning. His choice decided his fate, the same as all of us.

Secondly, what if, in a similar scenario, a person is already in the river and this stretch is the first chance they have to get to land and potentially save their life? With a fence there, they will be blocked in the river, potentially causing their death.
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